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AIS-HACCP Training Initiative to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species by Resource Managers, Researchers, and Enforcement Officers

Year Awarded: 2003
Awarded: $246,000
Team Leader:  University of Minnesota
Tel: 218-726-8715
Email: jgunder1@umn.edu

This team used the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)-Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach to prevent the spread of biological pollution to uninfested waters through two significant pathways: (1) the movement of equipment (i.e., boats, trailers, nets, waders, water collection devices) and (2) the transfer of baitfish and fish raised for stocking into public and private waters. The team revised and distributed 1,000 AIS-HACCP manuals at 27 different training workshops, as well as 1,500 CDs to prepare groups for future workshops. Workshops in each Great Lakes state “trained-the-trainer,” teaching the AIS-HACCP process to leaders in natural resource management agencies, other organizations and private businesses. This work led to several individuals implementing customized AIS-HACCP plans for their various constituencies.