Identifying and Valuing Restoration Opportunities at Watershed and Subwatershed Scales
Year Awarded: 2004
Awarded: $499,000
Team Leader: Applied Ecological Services, Inc.
Tel: 608-897-8641
The team identified a new method of presenting hydrologic information in GIS and used this to select candidate watersheds for restoration. In four pilot watersheds—Shiawassee (MI), St. Joseph (IN, OH), Milwaukee (WI) and Grand (OH)—the team studied the consequences of restoration work, including the index of hydrologic alteration, Instream Flow Council protocols, and ecological flow prescription protocols. Team members created a set of methods to compare different restoration opportunities. They also developed a tool to help predict effects of flow restoration within a watershed, as well as a tool which links changes in land cover to changes in stream power with a resolution of 30 meters. With the help of local Nature Conservancy staff, the project team also acquired water supply, water use and wastewater treatment information for the pilot watersheds to explore water use/pathway assessments.