The Brownfields Project

Year Awarded: 1999
Awarded: $382,865
Team Leader:  Council of Great Lakes Governors, Inc.

This team supported the Governors’ Brownfields Initiative by promoting brownfields clean up and redevelopment in the Great Lakes region. The team created a publication titled A Blueprint for Brownfields Redevelopment and the Regional Online Brownfields Information Network (ROBIN). The Blueprint publication includes case studies of successful redevelopment projects and descriptions of the brownfields programs, as well as a listing of technical experts for each of the Great Lakes states and provinces. ROBIN allows a user to access Great Lakes brownfield redevelopment information organized in the following categories: Financing, Real Estate Issues, Technical Assistance, Laws and Liabilities, and Local Initiatives.

The project encouraged information exchange among environmental and economic state agencies in the Great Lakes region while simultaneously making more data accessible to the public.