Transformative Solutions for Clean Water: A Moonshot for Great Lakes Communities
Reaching for the Stars Sixty years ago, the thought of turning one of America’s dirtiest rivers into a national park seemed as unlikely as landing a man on the moon. Remarkably, both…
March 21, 2024 -
Facilitating Change in the Great Lakes: Making Better Water More Affordable
The Great Lakes constitute the Earth’s largest fresh surface water system, with one-fifth of the world’s freshwater supply. Not only are they the source of drinking water for more than 40 million people, they’re…
December 20, 2023 -
We Welcome Erin McCarville, Our New Vice President of Programs
The Fund is pleased to announce the newest member of our executive staff — we welcome Erin McCarville as Vice President of Programs. Erin will lead our program team, building and managing…
October 20, 2023 -
A New Video Highlights How Agricultural Drainage Districts are Improving Water Quality in the Great Lakes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4PvOrG0xxk A Note from GLPF – An exciting Great Lakes Protection Fund-supported project has been testing circular economy principles on farm fields. A primary focus has been on restructuring taxes (or fees)…
July 27, 2023 -
Remembering Tony Earl
Thanks, Tony. One of our founders, former Wisconsin Governor Tony Earl, passed away last week. Our condolences go out to his family, colleagues, and many friends. May his memory be a blessing.…
March 3, 2023 -